
264,642 sq. ft.

进化新鲜 was born in 1995 with a mission of giving more people access to the most delicious and nutritious juice. In 2010 we invested in high-pressure processing technology making it possible for us to share our juice outside of California, and in 2011 Starbucks acquired 进化新鲜 making wellness more accessible for all. Then in 2013, we opened our new state-of-the-art juice bottling facility in Rancho Cucamonga, CA.

Most of the produce used for our juice is grown in Southern California, 我们在哪里能买到绿叶蔬菜, 脆根类蔬菜, and tangy-sweet citrus based on seasonal growing patterns — from farms in Salinas down to the southern Imperial Valley in both California and Arizona. 谁在帮我们追踪这些东西? 我们的原料采购专家, who have over 51 years of combined experience working with produce experts and growers around the world.


  • 我们93%的新鲜农产品来自美国西部.S.
  • 其中82%种植在离榨汁机400英里的范围内.
  • We offer both conventional and organic juices to make them broadly accessible.
  • 我们所有的果汁都是经过非转基因项目验证的.
  • Committed budget to continuous learning - currently have 4 certified best365官网登录顾问s.
  • Recognized by the City of Rancho Cucamonga as the first food manufacturing company to achieve the Green Business Recognition Program designed for businesses that demonstrate environmental practices in various categories such as waste reduction, 污染防治, 回收, 采购, 能源效率, 运输, 节水.
  • Established a strong partnership with a local dairy farm to send citrus and veggie waste to be processed and used exclusively for cattle feed, 大约11,每年500吨.
  • Implemented a program with a local compost facility to send the byproduct created from our waste水 treatment (sludge) to be processed and used exclusively in the growing of productive animal feed such as alfalfa, 米洛, 玉米, and other similar products – approximately 335 tons annually.
  • Established a program to work with local nonprofit organizations to donate close-to-shelf life-juice products.
  • Adopted a policy that requires EF the use of a minimum of 30% post-consumer recycled content for office/copy paper and 20% PCR content for janitorial products.
  • Partnered with a waste and 回收 company to sell back used Gaylord and Bericap corrugated boxes for extra revenue.
  • Committed to three “Adopt-A-Highway” signs in support of litter removal and promote environmental awareness in the local community.
  • 采用环保优先采购政策.
  • Implemented a program with the local landscaping company to mulch the facility’s surrounding turf and spread all trimmings and clippings back to the surrounding ground.
  • Implemented a policy to collect and properly dispose of universal waste i.e. 电子废物及电池.
  • 省去了使用93,600张纸或949磅. with the implementation of quality assurance statistical software.
  • Practicing reuse concept through our 5S way of life by donating office materials, 工具, 清洁用品, 等. 致EF合作伙伴.

Our goal is to help our citrus suppliers and packing sheds move their full crop, 消除食物浪费,提高作物产量. 温度变化, 大风, 雨, and hailstorms can cause blemishes affecting visual qualities making fruit undesirable for direct consumer sale but leave the texture and flavor perfect for juice. 进化新鲜使用了大约3700万磅. of raw citrus annually which growers would not otherwise have an outlet for as it does not meet retail grade specifications. 大小变化, 皮肤瑕疵, color, 形状, and other defects which make the fruit undesirable for direct customer sale are great for juicing.

2nd cut Spinach is the regrowth after the first harvest as spinach plants regenerate. Because of disease and pest pressure, this option is only available when growing conditions allow. 2nd growth fields have varying sizes of plants with gaps as the regrowth is not as “pretty” from a farming perspective. The option gives growers an outlet for the product which would otherwise be disked undercutting back on 种子, 劳动, 水, 以及在农作物生产中减少能源消耗的资源. 进化新鲜大约使用165,000磅. 有机生菠菜,每年二次收割.

This program was developed to capture the outer petioles from a retail pack organic celery stick program. 进化新鲜利用了200万磅以上. of organic raw celery annually which would otherwise go to animal feed or landfill.

This program is designed to improve overall harvest yields, maximizing crop usage without the need for additional input resources (水, 劳动, 种子, 燃料, 等.) 进化新鲜计划利用25万磅. of organic raw romaine annually which would otherwise be left unharvested.

“Doing our part to ensure mother nature continues to thrive has been a core value and commitment from the beginning,特洛伊·胡佛解释道, 副总裁进化新鲜供应链. "进化新鲜 is a health and wellness business committed to cultivating our deep-rooted knowledge of Quality, 激情, and wholesomeness by sharing our beverages with everyone so that they may thrive with every sip. We are extremely proud to be part of the southern Californian zero waste movement and through the execution of the best365官网登录 zero waste certification program, we will contribute to the well-being of our community while protecting the environment in which we live.”

了解更多关于进化新鲜的信息 evolutionfresh.com,在他们的 Instagram,以及他们的参与 库卡蒙格牧场的绿色商业认可计划.